Friday, July 16, 2010

GAA and the Truth: Bring in the cameras and view footage.

The time has come when we can identify, beyond doubt, where cameras (and recorded sport) can help realize the Truth, and accomplish Justice.

The Louth and Meath Leinster football final is done and dusted! So say the many, and there is more to say that is being said too and it is falling on barren ground. Or is it? Will this situation be the catalyst for the GAA to change something? That is, will the GAA use this as the catalyst that grew the organisation into being one which has more respect for Truth and Justice. An organisation that just wants to do the right thing and wants to see the right thing to be done? ...

An organisation that allows for human error but is more interested in truth and justice. Human error will always be a part of play. Human error is human, after all.

The complexities of viewing footage and analysis of same can be dealt with simply: In the event that review of camera footage does not garner at least 66% agreement on the outcome then the decision goes back to the referee's original decision. It is a shame that after the referee admitted he made a mistake his spontaneous (in the heat of the game) incorrect ruling still stands.

What is the logic of this? It would be interesting to hear why this is the route chosen by the GAA. Surely someone can give us the argument? Many thought a replay would be offered and encouraged.

Some thought a replay would be unjust. Why? Because the game was won by Louth.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Discussion on Social Media and Business

On Wednesday, I was facilitator for a discussion about Social Media and Business at the Mayo Open Coffee Club in Castlebar.

After a short introduction by myself I asked the individuals of the group of eighteen to share "one short story about their experiences with Social Media." The individuals in the group were cooperative and some good stories came through. Some expressed a hesitation about engaging in social media.

The the eighteen made 3 groups of 6 to engage in 5 minute sessions of sharing ideas through discussion from directed questions. The first question answered by each individual in each group was "What have you done with social media for your business already?" Then I asked three members of each group to move to another group for 5 more minutes on the same question. Then a new question for 5 minutes was posed "What do you want to do with social media for your business?" Then three moved from each group to another group for five minutes again. And the final question used was "What do you expect from social media?" The resultant 30 minutes of vigorous discussion was engaging and active (it seemed).

I asked for feedback and got some. A couple of people stayed on to congratulate me on the facilitation and to thank me for my efforts. One individual said that he liked the style of meeting and appreciated the energy I brought to the meeting. One stayed late to give me extensive feedback. He appreciated the energy of the meeting and interactivity of the facilitation. He told me that the introduction was probably useless. (I talked a little about democracy and media, history of media, media ownership and life - in the introduction.) In hindsight, I think he is right.

But every experience is a good one. I'm happy to have facilitated the meeting and look forward to meeting the members again in the future.