Saturday, December 13, 2008

Who Owns What?

I wonder about the authenticity (or lack of) of a blog when it blatantly links to other blogs for content but it would be less genuine to reiterate what another has said so well. I was not aware of Robert W. Dechard until I read Alan Mutter's blog today.

The way that Alan talks about the issue surrounding Decherd is both entertaining and pertinent to media in general. As obvious as it may seem to some, this is hitting at the crux of media. Who owns it, who runs it, who takes the profits and who has to deal with the losses?

All of this becomes much more relevant in times when the economy is where it is now. But we should be looking at these issues even when the economy is roaring along.

Alan was interviewed on a show, of which I am a producer, Focal Point, recently and he wowed audiences with his experience and delivery.

Regardless of whether we agree with his interpretation of Dechard he raises questions and issues which we should all be taking seriously.

These issues are well worth considering in relation to the newspapers he mentions but also in relation to TV, radio, music and of course, the internet.

These questions are also relevant with regard to the auto manufacturers who are now asking for financial help. When they were not asking for help and making profit who was benefitting? Where have the profits been going in the good years? When did they start losing money? How were they let go to this?

Questions should be asked continuously even when the good times roll or we may end up back here again in the not-too-distant future.

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